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What’s Wrong With My Room? A guide on how to fix it the Slow Style way!

March 04, 2024 Zandra Zuraw Season 31

In this episode, I walk you through our new 'Fix My Room' quiz, aimed at helping you assess and enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your rooms.

I address four main pitfalls: not applying basic design rules, managing clutter, lacking a specific vision for the room, and lacking design confidence. At the end of the quiz, you’ll know which pitfall is the one you’ve fallen into and why it’s so important to start by addressing that one, before doing anything else. 

Additionally, I share info on our monthly membership program, the 'Slow Style Society,' as a resource for personalized help and community support with your home!

To use the Slow Style approach in your home, start with this free guide on how to create a vision that sets you up for every design decision you'll need to make!
Sign up here to receive the free guide (and lots of suppport along the way).